omg omg omg

February 25, 2011

argh...damn!! Why I CANT get anything that I want? Okay, its fine because of course I cant have anything..but for things that I HAVE NEVER had?? please. Its been so hard for me lately, why life dont give me a chance to feel the happiness just like others. I''m not saying that I dont have HAPPINESS in life.. I HAVE.. my family, my friends are my happiness. But I'm suffering for something or maybe someone that I JUST cant have it !


I never called that person.yeah.

February 16, 2011

Because I never called that person.
Because I never described him to someone else.
I don't know what to call him.
That person is that person.
If that person it's not the person.
Then who does he become?
Does this makes sense?
Does this makes sense?
Because I never called that person by anything..
I just like a cucko bird, cucko, cucko,
Just like Ibis its cries out its own call.
Just like a bird, I called my name and cried.

cinderella's step sister


February 16, 2011

.girl's favorite word.


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