kawen :)

May 14, 2011

hahha..currently at my friend's sis wed. hahha... curi tulang online jap. lgpon tade mende pon nk wat. di saat org menonton football match yg ade MANCHESTER UNITED *whateva* I'm blogging. oh , wifi sgt lah laju.. Selaju LRT di KL.. ahhaha.. yesterday, I rode KTM and LRT ALONE.. okay, penegasan di situh. Thank GOD, i'm safe ..huhu..

okay, this wedding is very simple yet nice. Theme-PURPLE. ahhaa.. tadi petang akad, tomorrow the reception. hehee.. anyway.. there's more than just attending someone's big day.. but ade life dowh kat sini. Sumpah cousin2  my friend sume stock2 model. OMG. OMG. EMERGENCY !! ahhaha.. its soooo important  okay. Walau sometimes aku rase ANNOYING lah giler2 dgn kaum2 adam, tapi blh jadi penghibur gak mereka nih.
NO OFFENSE> but, as long as I breath, I still need men in my life. Its plural okay. I need my abah, kalau tade abah, saye tak lahir... I need Tok Imam, kalau tade Tok Imam, mcm ne nk kawen :3 role lelaki penting kayh?

baiklah.. nk blogwalking. and I need some stalking activity too .. life is wonderfool!!!

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