March 21, 2012

I believe that in every part of us, we want to change. Me too. I realised that I'm going through several phases in my life. In the first ten years, I was someone who wanted to know about something new. In the next ten years, I wanted to know the meaning or reasons behind all what had happened. As I'm stepping for the another next ten years, I want to learn about how to appreciate what before me. Appreciating needs efforts and it is not easy. How can you appreciate the bad ones while we always appreciate the good ones? Doesn't make sense. But that is the one that I wanted to do in my future 20's. Things getting more serious, more fragile and crazier. 

I really hope I can find someone that appreciate what they had so, I can learn from them. Appreciation needs you to sincere with all you heart. Or maybe I should learn to be sincere first then to appreciate. but, but... I think as the process we will learn how to be sincere when we appreciate. I think. I just wanna be someone that live her life to the fullest and never regret anything that I made even though I made mistakes. You know how He arranged your life beautifully?  I just want to enjoy the journey and make the pain less. It is not easy I know but I think it is not that hard too. But you just can lessen the pain. I'm not talking about boys here, I'm just thinking what I've been doing in past 20 years. Make sense. Sometimes we just need to reflect back and take actions. Sit back and relax aren't good trends people. Pray for me. Pray for everyone that wanna make change and give people like us support and God will repay you back :)

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